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Getting started

Pigeonhole is a simple yet super-secure cli tool to transfer secrets and is entirely built for those who live and are familiar with the command-line.


Binaries are distributed directly and via several package managers.

Operating System Description
MacOS Brew, Shell
Linux Brew, Shell
Windows WinGet, WinGet, Shell
General Raw Binaries

Request a new Package Manager

Raise a [FEATURE REQUEST] to add support for another package manager - which package manager do you use?


Install Brew if you haven't already.

brew install pigeonholeio/pigeonhole/pigeonhole-cli

The below script will work out which architecture your machine runs on and will download the relevant binary and will attempt to install it to /usr/local/bin with sudo.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Find a full list of releases below in the Manual Download section.


Install Brew on Linux?

Yes you can! Go ahead and give Brew a try on Linux - it just doesn't support casks.

brew install pigeonholeio/pigeonhole/pigeonhole-cli

The below script will work out which architecture your machine runs on and will download the relevant binary and will attempt to install it to /usr/local/bin with sudo.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Find a full list of releases below in the Manual Download section.


Work in Progress

I'm currently working on a Winget and PowerShell installer. They should be here soon!

Coming soon

I'm currently working on the Windows installers. They should be here soon!

Find the Windows binaries are hosted and accessbile directly on the Releases page.

Work in Progress

I'm currently working on a Winget and PowerShell installer. They should be here soon!

Manual / Download

You can obtain the binaries for your platform and architecture by visiting Releases.

  1. Visit the Releases page, find the latest release and download the binary for your architecture
  2. Place the binary in a location that is in your $PATH environment variable
  3. You should now be able to run pigeonhole login from the command-line

CLI Auto-Completion Script

It's handy to have the shell auto-completion installed for your shell to make using cli tools easier.
To find out what shells are supported, run the following in your terminal.

pigeonhole completion
Then run the command relevant for your shell e.g. Take ZSH as an example. Add the completion script output to your ZSH Profile:
pigeonhole completion zsh >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrd

Sign In

Signing into the cli tool is super easy.

Tip - Request a new Identity Provider Support

Only Microsoft Azure is currently supported. Raise a [FEATURE REQUEST] Identity Provider GitHub issue to add support for your Identity Provider.

Simply run;

pigeonhole login
The tool will also auto generate GPG keys for you if you haven't got one already created.

Send your first secret

Simply, specify the recipient and filepath and that's it!

pigeonhole secrets send --recipient --filepath ./somefile

Next Steps

Follow the Managing Secrets section to find out more about managing secretes like;
- Listing
- Downloading
- Deleting
- Send and pipe from stdin